Loudon, John Claudius (1783-1843, Great Britain)

John Claudius Loudon was a prolific writer on gardens and architecture in the early nineteenth century, and his works were hugely influential on these subjects at the time. Country Life described Loudon as an “eminent Victorian” stating that he “personified that moral force, thoroughness and desire to fill every moment with useful productivity that seem to us the hallmark of the 19th-century man of distinction”. Yet his name is little known today, even within those professions. However, the more I find out about Loudon, the more intrigued I become by the man, both professionally and personally. John Claudius Loudon Loudon was born at Cambuslang in southern Scotland , not far from where I find myself now living. Like me, he was a farmer’s son, my birthplace being the Hunter Valley in Australia . For whatever reason, we were both destined not to continue in the family farming tradition, but to work with the land in other ways. Loudon studied botany, biology and agricultu...